White Privilege Unpacking The Invisible Knapsack Summary

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“A good man is hard to find”: and the “White Privilege System”
Flannery O’Connor’s A good man is hard to find describes the end of the Bailey’s family (the author did not mention their last name) that was caused by the meeting with the escaped prisoner Misfit and the Grandmother’s behavior. Arguments of this short story both agree and disagree with the article White privilege: Unpacking the invisible Knapsack by Peggy McIntosh. O’Connor demonstrated people believe in a privilege of skin color (and the social status in this case) that was given to them “as a default”. The author also showed individuals should reconsider this confidence in the privileges’ presence. This is about the “agreement” point. Disagreement appeared in authors’ explanations. …show more content…

McIntosh created a list of advantages of the white race in the USA that included such points as “I can choose public accommodation without fearing that people of my race cannot get in or will be mistreated in the places I have chosen.” (2). The author showed white people achieve “default” privileges, and argued they should rethink their presence and benefits. However, McIntosh covered a topic from the philosophical or sociological point of view. It is possible to say she thought the belief in this “privilege” created an additional discrimination in relation to minorities. O’Connor demonstrated the problem from the practical point of view. He showed a direct situation where this race or social privileges proved their delusiveness. The Grandmother believed in her “invincibility” because she was a representative of the Southern aristocracy. O’Connor did not mention it, but it is possible her family had their own “believed privileges” too. It was a white family from the upper (or an upper-middle) class with three underage children; one of them was an infant. These features created an “aura” that should help to avoid unpleasant moments. Such family was able to have an accident, but it was impossible for them to be killed by accidental criminals. However, they finished exactly this way. So, while McIntosh argued the belief in race (sex) privileges is bad for other social groups, O’Connor demonstrated it also can be a wrong strategy for white people

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