Summary Of Anthem By Ayn Rand

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When Equality 7-2521 finds the tunnel from the unmentionable times, it changes his life. He soon figures out that he is not like his brothers in the sense that he thinks for himself and wants to learn for himself. Equality from Anthem by Ayn Rand was a smart as a child and grew up to be an even smarter adult. Equality 7-2521 knows when he discovers electricity on his own or finds a women pretty he is not like others. Other people do not look for mates, or think of another job for themselves, or even want to learn more than stay in the place that they are in. In this time of Anthem by Ayn Rand the pronoun “I” was no longer used. Everyone was using “we” so they were seen as one group which was known as collectivism. An excerpt from Fountainhead, which was also written by Ayn Rand, was about being oneself and being happy about it. Equality was only able to get out of the collectivism because …show more content…

He wanted to know more and explore. Equality was all about knowledge and wanting to know more. In his society is was shamed upon someone to think for anyone other than his brothers. The excerpt from Fountainhead tells about someone standing up and telling how it really is. Showing that knowing yourself and believing in yourself is not bad. Being selfish was seen as a bad thing in the collectivism because it showed that one person cared more about themselves then the group as a whole. Growing up with his mind, Equality tried his hardest to fit in. As an adult, Equality was sentence to the lowest in society, street sweeper. Through all of that he still wanted to learn more. Being from his society, he was ashamed of having those thoughts. “The laws say that none among men may be alone, ever and at any time, for this is the greatest transgression and the root of all evil,”(17) even still when Equality has found his tunnel, he was still by himself and was happy having a place for himself to explore and learn

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