Summary Of Anancy A Ticks

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11) One theme would be racial inequality. “Stand back, stand back, you white-skins, touch that dead man to your shame;” The woman refers to the men as “white-skins” showing the difference in skin color. She later goes on to directly state the racial difference by saying “Staved with a hollow hunger, we owe to you and your race.”
10) The “Land Deal” complicates our understanding of the story by switching between myth and reality. “Some of us, remembering how after dreams of loss they had awakened with real tears in their eyes, hoped that we would somehow wake to be convinced of the genuineness of the steel in our hands and the wool round out shoulders.” (357) It goes from talking about their land being taking away to it only being a dream …show more content…

In the story “Anancy an Ticks”, Anancy is an untrustworthy, intelligent, male who uses his intelligence to his advantage. Anancy plots a trick so Ticks will feel remorseful and repay Anancy for the damages.
8) Metafiction is a literary element in which the story examines the elements in fiction itself. An example of this would be in “Land Deal” would be to show the reader that it is not just the land being taken away but the spirits of the characters. “The goods that had appeared among us so suddenly belonged only in a possible world. We were therefore dreaming.” (355)
7) A tree can symbolize growth, strength, wisdom, and foundation. In the text “I used to live here once” they mention many tree. The author starts off talking about a fallen tree that had not been cleaned away, which could symbolize death and defeat. It also mentions a screw pine that had been removed, which could symbolize change and detachment. Then the author mentions the clove tree and how it was still standing in the same spot, which could symbolize recollection and preservation. Lastly in the text it talks about the two children sitting under a big mango tree, which could symbolize fruitfulness and

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