Challenges and Support in Foster Care System

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Late Entry 216/2016, CM met with the client and completed Bi-Weekly ILP Review. Client was dressed appropriately for the weather. She was welled groomed. She continues to walk with a cane stating that her foot is broken and her back hurt. In the meeting client affect was flat. She appears confused and space out. SOCIAL SUPPORT UPDATE: CM informed the client that she has a Conference Meeting to change client’s son goal is scheduled on 2/17/2016 at Edwin Gould Foster Care and Adoption Agency. CM also use baby steps to explain to the client in baby steps the important in attending meeting. CM also inquires if the client understand the severity of not attending scheduled meeting. Client replies” Por lo mismo, mi family me han dicho que ellos tiene que devolverme a mi hijo, pero ya” translate in English “For the same, my family told me, that they need to return …show more content…

RESOURCE UPDATE: Client is undocumented and she is not entitled to any government entitlement. SAVING: Client reported she does not have any money saved ACS: Client has an active ACS case and her weekly visitation was suspended. Client is scheduled for a conference meeting to change son’s goal on 2/17/2016. CM issued client with an appointment slip. Client agreed and signed the appointment slip. CM also provided the client with metro cards. LEGAL UPDATE: Client has an open ACS and she is non complaint with the Judge referral. She is also undocumented and a victim of domestic violence. Unfortunately, she doesn't qualify for the U-Visa because the client doesn't have any legal documentation as proof that she was DV. SUBSTANCE UPDATE: Client continues to reports no substance abuse history. METNAL UPDATE: Client was diagnosed with Axis1: Adjustment Disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood-309.28 (primary). CM continues to encourage the client to participate in mental health

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