Summary And Symbolism Of Damall's The Wings Of A Falcon

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In the novel The Wings of a Falcon, the author Cynthia Voigt uses the structure of an adventure tale to tell the story of courage and bravery. Oriel, an orphan boy with his friend Griff, encounter many hardships to earn the title of the Earl. In this story, the author uses the literary devices of setting, characterization, and symbol, which all make the book an interesting one to read. The author in this novel has very subtly used the settings to build up the atmosphere of adventure and suspense. For example, ‘Damall’s island rested on stone, Boulders edged the island, and rose up out of the ground in unexpected places all across it. the harbor beach was made up of stones as sharp as shells, as if a giant had brought his hammer down on the boulders, and shattered them. (page 3-4)’.This description of Damall’s island instantly makes the readers visualize the island and makes them curious to carry on. The mention of the stones and the boulders shows the ruggedness of the terrain and at the same time implies the hard life that the boys have to live there. It acts as imagery to show the cruelty of the Damall and his tyrannical behavior towards the boys. In conclusion …show more content…

The cruelty of the character is explicit from this quote. For example, ‘When winter sleet beat down on the roof, the Damall would as soon call for the whipping box as find any other way to hurry time along. (page 4-5)’. From the very beginning of the book the author thrust the readers into a world which is dominated by ruthless cruel characters like Damall. He takes in the young boys in his island and treats them in a harsh barbarian manner. The characterization of Damall sets the pace of the novel as the protagonists are introduced nameless and helpless. In conclusion we can say that the author through powerful characterization has developed the plot of adventure, heroism and friendship very

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