Sullivan In The 5th Wave Analysis

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“In the 4th Wave...we slowly go crazy from the fear and anticipation of the inevitable...It tears us apart.
Maybe that will be the 5th Wave, messing with our heads until we can’t even trust our own minds anymore.”
(Yancey 9). The 5th Wave is a book about aliens, the Others, coming down to earth to wipe out the human race.
Classic scenario right? Wrong. Cassie Sullivan is a 16-year-old girl trying to rescue her brother Sammy from the
Others with the help of Evan Walker and Ben Parish. With silencers on her tail and time running out, Cassie will have to find help from unexpected allies in order to save Sammy. People should read this book because it is an action-packed dystopian novel and shows the importance of never giving up and demonstrates

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