Successes And Failures Of The Civil Rights Movement

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Civil Rights Movement Even after slavery was abolished in United States, the lives of black people were not improved but instead they continue to suffer for equality. The civil rights movement was a struggle by African American from 1954 to the late 1970s to achieve civil rights equal as much as white people have. It is also one of the defining moments of American time. Its significance, how it impacted on the society, and its successes and failures are always remembered and respected. The significance of the civil rights movement is it gave African Americans the same citizenship rights that most whites took for granted, which the African Americans needed for their daily lives. They may aimed for only black people at the time but it also …show more content…

The movement influenced Congress to take action, which became the 1964 Civil Rights Act. This law made it illegal to segregate people in America based on their race, skin color or in almost all areas of public life. The Congress also passed the 1965 Immigration Act. This law put the racial quota system for immigrant groups an end to it. The Voting Rights Act was passed and aimed to overcome the prevented African Americans from practicing their right to vote under the 15th Amendment. This act is considered among the most far reaching pieces of civil rights legislation in U.S. history. As there were some successes, there were also some failures. For most of the part, the movement was a success. Because of different groups taking charges on its own, there were major failures within the movement. One of the biggest failures of the civil rights movement was poverty and economic discrimination. Despite the law was passed, there was still widespread discrimination in employment and housing for African Americans. The successes were it gave African Americans full equality and schools and public places were desegregated. Jim Crow laws were put an end to after the

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