Limitations Of Subtle Resistance

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Subtle and overt forms of resistance exist in every revolution, certain strategies will more effective than others. Resistance takes form in many different ways, whether that is through small rejections of life conditions, syncretism, or all out bloody rebellion. Resistances can be short lived events or a constant continuation of resistance (Wright, 1992). Subtle forms of resistance are often used as a way to resist without serious repercussions. When we think of resistance the first think that comes to mind is large scale rebellions, but resistance do not have to be a bloody war. Resistance can be done at a small scale where the only people who know of the resistance is the one taking part in the act. This type of resistance is known as subtle resistance. Subtle resistance often takes place to allow the resistor to resist against their oppressor without the probability of serious repercussions. Subtle resistance is often used as a strategy when the resistor has more to lose than just themselves such as a family that relies on their income or support. In this case the resistor will often use subtle resistance as a way to resist without hurting their family as a consequence. The effectiveness of subtle resistance is not as overtly visible as hostile resistance but is effective in the way as it allows …show more content…

Most subtle resistances will not create any large scale change but allow resistance to continue through everyday resistance. Syncretism is a form of subtle resistance that has proven to be very effective by allowing double victory. Overt resistances often develop after there has been a prophecy from God which instigates a revitalization movement. Overt resistances are necessary; without them change would not exist. For a successful resistance using both subtle and overt forms of resistances allows for the highest probability of

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