Substantive Representation Of Women In Congress Essay

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Electing women to congress would change descriptive representation and substantive representation significantly as many women have never been in congress. Both of these would change significantly if more women were elected to congress because women’s ideas have not seen priority of men’s ideas in the past. A man’s idea should not be held above a women’s idea and vice versa. This would change because women’s ideas haven’t been heard in so many years that there would be a big change. Descriptive representation is idea of representatives being able to express ideas for the entire nation, and also to be able to focus on specific demographics of certain people in our country. This would affect the descriptive representation by the women being able to represent other women whose ideas are not often as expressed as men. Since men have been in congress for so long, most legislatures focus the majority of their ideas on what other men think. With women being elected, they would be able to switch their descriptive representation to the entire nation while focusing on the views for specific …show more content…

Substantive representation is the ability of legislators to speak for groups of people. With different types of people being elected to congress, they are going to represent different groups of people than before. This is why women being elected to congress will change substantive representation. These women who are elected will begin to speak on the behalf of many groups of women and bring those women’s ideas into congress. Substantive representation should increase. More groups of people who are often not heard should be given the chance to be heard by the United States government. It should be increased, but not to the extreme. While representatives should continue to represent specific groups, they must also keep in mind the nation as a whole while representing specific groups of

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