Influence Of Diversity In Education

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Teachers must engage students with information that will help to change attitudes towards refugees and people from diverse cultures through collaborative learning models such as group with students from different backgrounds. Interviewing members of the community brings cultural knowledge and understanding, (Harrison & Greenfield, (2011, para. 2). Changes in education must be evident institutionally, personally and instructionally to have an impact on the integration of diverse nationalities in Australian education systems.

Institutional strategies in response to cultural diversity
The school’s administrative structure, policies and procedures coupled with community involvement are central to responding effectively to issues of cultural diversity. …show more content…

Teachers must confront biases that influence their value systems by examining their attitudes and beliefs towards cultural diversity, (Villegas & Lucas, 2002), to gain respect and trust from the students. While the Australian Curriculum (AC) acknowledges diversity and equality in schools, teachers must devise strategies on how to include these expectations into the curriculum. It is important that diversity education does not just focus on “colourful” aspects of culture – food, fashion, flags as Marika did, at the expense of understanding where differing and common beliefs come from and how they shape people. This approach risk overemphasising difference and reinforcing stereotypes, (Difference differently). It is important to embed diversity related content across the curriculum and to supplement diversity related events such as Harmony Day assemblies, with classroom based learning which explores diversity with greater depth; probing into varied beliefs and cultural perspectives and the implications these have for all Australians. The more students experience familiar practices in instruction and are allowed to think differently, the greater the feeling of inclusion and the higher the probability of student success.

Sam’s strategy of consulting with students and families about the enacted curri¬culum (what the students will learn), enhances inclusive practices where students and families feel valued and likely to commit to learning. Blaise & Nuttal, 2011, p.88). Failure to provide an engaging curriculum that caters for students’ interests and needs will lead to low performance, distractive behaviour and a high rate of absenteeism, (Brady and Kennedy, (2007, p. 7).
Instructional strategies in response to cultural

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