Strictly Ballroom Dance Analysis

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Shall we dance?

An experienced ballroom dancer who believes in "dancing his own steps" and
a beginner, take on the Australian Pan Pacific Championships to show the
Ballroom Confederation that there are new steps.
Strictly Ballroom was released in 1992 and is the first film in Luhrmann’s Red Curtain trilogy. It was the first film ever directed by Baz Luhrmann, and it was with this film that he established his unique style.

The opening for the Red Curtain trilogy was established by this film. The opening of the films consist of a red curtain being opened much like one would in a live theatre performance. As per Baz Luhrmann’s style, it makes it clear to the viewer that they are watching a performance and not a slice of real life.

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As all the films in the Red Curtain Trilogy, ‘Strictly Ballroom’ centralizes on a specific theatre motif. In this film Luhrmann explores the device of Dance, he emphasizes this by the use of specific camera movements in reflection to what is occurring on screen. …show more content…

This then contrasted by the fast and erratic movements of the characters in the Latin dance scene. Luhrmann has the camera movements reflect Scott’s erratic dancing and movements by changing the pacing of the shots to long continuous shots of him, and quick cuts to capture the reactions of the bystanders as it moves freely around the

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