Stress Case Study

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Stressors are both physiological and psychological demands placed on an individual from both internal and external environments that can disturb homeostasis. This disruption requires an action to return the body to a balance. Being able to recognize, understand, and cope with stress is critical to overall health and well being of an individual. The ability to cope with stress productively can alter the outcome of illness and prevent negative health outcomes altogether. Each person experiences and perceives stress differently both physiologically, psychologically, and can portray it differently externally. The way in which each person handles stress can influence the path for care they pursue if illness is present. In the absence of remedial …show more content…

In the presence of a chronic stress there is a related physiological response that can ultimately influence the progression of health disorders. Clinically, understanding the cognitive and behavioral causes and responses to stress is essential for public health, education, and intervention. The transactional model of stress and coping attempts to evaluate and understand how a person copes with stressful events. We become stressed when the environmental demands exceed our ability to cope. Whether stress becomes a part of a situation is based on primary appraisal. This concept determines the significance of the stressor to the individual’s life. Then, if there is a perception of threat, the secondary appraisal determines whether the individual has the tools to cope with the stress effectively leading to a positive outcome, or if the demands exceed one’s ability to overcome leading to bad …show more content…

I have been there. I don’t have time to work out to relax as I normally would, I can’t take a break and come back later because it is crunch time and I was running out of it. How did I maintain a calm, how did I cope with this stressor? I believe that for me when I am stressed in regards to school, I deal with it by evaluating the material in front of me, assess which information seems to be most vital, and then attempt to chip away at it piece by piece. Then in the morning when that test rolls around, I do my best. This example follows the model of problem-based coping. I define the issue by recognizing there is a stressor present. I generate a solution by organizing my method for studying and tackling it in an organized fashion. I learn new skills or try to find the best method for absorbing all the information I can. Then ultimately, I become less stressed as I overcome the challenge and (hopefully) pass the

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