Stream Of Consciousness Short Story

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Derek Galipeau 1st Period Stream of Consciousness
I woke up one morning to the loud screeching of my alarm clock. I got up to go turn it off but I could barely see. Even though the light was dim I could feel my eyes absorb every single ray. When I am sleep deprived my eyes don’t adjust to light like they normally do. After I turned off my alarm clock I laid back down on my bed. I could feel myself sinking into the blanket. I felt like it was absorbing me and before I know it I had fallen back asleep. My mom eventually got me to wake up and with my eyes half open I got dresses, grabbed my stuff, and went out to the car. After the long wait of the car ride, going through security, and getting on the plane I finally made it. As the plane started …show more content…

I just pulled it out and then stepped onto the beach. I felt the sand flow through my toes as my foot indented the sand. I put on my wet suit and my snorkel mask and headed out. Getting my body up to my chest in the water was easy but my head was hard. After giving myself a pep talk, I dunked my head under water. For the first 5 seconds I had my eyes closed because of the cold water. I immediately forgot about the cold as soon as my eyes opened. I saw a bunch of tropical fish and was amazed. As I went deeper I saw more and more fish and coral. I saw an angel fish and decided to dive down to it. After about 4 feet down I could feel the pressure on my body from all sides. I felt like gravity turned upside down as I tried to swim deeper. My lungs felt like a vacuum that was imploding on itself. I then had to surface. I knew that my mom m used to be a life guard so I asked her for help. She told me to take 3 deep breathes before diving down and that I should mainly use my legs for power. I tried it and I was able to reach the angelfish. After about 20 minutes I started to really feel the cold. On my way in I saw my first sea turtle! I called for my family and they came over to see it. I was careful to not swim over it so that

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