Strangulation: The Murder Of Daniel Hugon

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Daniel Hugon was convicted of a strangulation-murder of a Paris prostitute on October 13, 1968. He was convicted by the French court in Pigalle district of Paris. He was only sentenced to 7 years due because he had evidence of having an extra Y (XYY) male chromosome. There was evidence in previous murder cases, the convict had also had the extra Y (XYY) chromosome. Richard Speck, a Chicago convict with an extra Y (XYY) chromosome, was held responsible for murdering eight nurses in 1966. Sean Farley, a New York convict who also had an extra Y (XYY) chromosome, brutally raped and murdered a woman in 1968. Excluding the extra Y (XYY) chromosome, there were other common features between these convicts. They all had been tall males with a low mentality,

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