Story Of An Hour Diction Essay

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In “The Story of an Hour,” Kate Chopin shows the reader Mrs. Mallard’s monstrous joy towards her husband’s death. After receiving the news of her husband, Brently Mallard’s, death she wept, but was also overwhelmed with a certain sense of freedom. Suddenly, Mrs. Mallard dies of heart disease, the joy that kills, but is then revealed that Brently is still alive. In “The Story of an Hour,” Chopin reveals the character of Mrs. Mallard through the use of diction, detail, and irony. In the short story diction is used to help describe the character of Mrs. Mallard. After receiving the news of her husband’s death Chopin tells, “She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sister’s arms” (38). The diction in this quote is the sudden, wild abandonment weeping to show how devastated and mentally disturbed Mrs. Mallard was at the time when she found out the news of her husband’s death. Also Chopin tells, “When the storm of grief had spent itself she went away to her room alone. She would have no one follow her” (38). Like a storm, grief of her husband’s death hit her hard, but then began to die down. In the short story Chopin states, “She …show more content…

Mallard. Chopin tells:
There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully. What was it? She did not know; it was too subtle and elusive to name. But she felt it, creeping out of the sky, reaching toward her through the sounds, the scents, the color that filled the air (39).
Mrs. Mallard could mentally see and feel something reaching out to her, something she had never seen or felt before. It was the feeling of freedom and loneliness to come in her life. Mrs. Mallard was almost familiar with this thing that was approaching her, but it was too elusive to name. She was finally coming to a realization that she was going to be alone and have independence; however, she was somewhat joyful about the feeling overpowering her. Chopin also

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