Story Of An Hour Character Analysis Essay

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When a marriage that has been together for a long period of time is broken, there are certain things that are seen to hold true in most of these cases. There is a renewed sense of individuality that grasps this person's life after the initial trauma of a significant other being absent. In Kate Chopin's "The Story of an Hour", this situation is presented as the characterization of Mrs. Mallard, whose husband has been pronounced dead, is displayed. She goes through three seperate stages in her personal grieving process. Chopin is attempting to show readers that although sadness is the initial reaction to this circumstance, Mrs. Mallard's sense of freedom brings her joy, but it is unfathomable for her to go back to the way that she used to live after she sees that her husband is still alive resulting in her death. The moment that Mrs. Mallard learns of her husband's passing, there is an intense outburst. Her response is to cry with "sudden, wild abandonment" (Chopin, ) when she is informed. This emotional reaction indicates that she is truly sorrowful that her husband has died. Although her reaction is severe, the quickness that is displayed shows that her acceleration through the various steps of this event will be at a rapid pace. Her next …show more content…

Mallard, she is experiencing a sense of joy, instead of grief, as she is having a moment of self-actualization. The open window that is described in detail as having all of these vivid sounds, colors, and scents. As the amount of things that she notices in nature increase, she feels more freedom. She knows that with her husband gone, there is nothing holding her back from being like the birds. She makes an outward display of her feelings by murmuring "'free, free, free!'" (Chopin, ) She is aware that her husband will no longer limit her in the endeavors that she wishes to pursue. She can be the independent woman that she has secretly desired to be for so

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