Storm Of 1938 Research Paper

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The storm of 1938 was one of america's worst natural disasters. A category 5 hurricane with wind speeds up to 150 mph. With no warning to the east coast the hurricane was a big surprise to everyone. Because of the surprise no one was prepared which caused huge impacts. Not only was the storm fatal because no one had time to prepare it was also one of the strongest hurricanes recorded in american history. Four days before the hurricane struck there was consistent rainfall. With the extra rain is contributed to the severe flooding. Not only was the flooding a big part of why the storm was so deadly but also the wind was blowing at a high of 180 mph! The people of new england in 1938 didn't have a very good understanding of how to remain safe in a hurricane, it was not common in this area. The people of florida where aware of what do if a hurricane hit because they were common. So if the storm did hit florida how could the impact been different? Maybe even some floridians couldn't prepare for a 500 miles wide hurricane. Who knows. …show more content…

A junior forecaster even mapped out the storm missing Florida and hitting new england. He was ignored because no one would ever think that a category 5 would hit. The last hurricane that was this severe was in 1924 and even that was a surprise to massachusetts. Yet the intensity of the hurricane wasn't nearly as bad. Therefore no one believed that there would be a hurricane hitting new england so they ignored the messages which resulted with tremendous consequences. With no warning there was no preparation for the storm. Imagine how many lives could have been spared if there was some type of warning. Even 2 hours before everyone was oblivious of what could be happening. About 20 minutes into the storm it came to people's attention that this was more than just a small thunder and lightning storm. At this point no one could do anything to

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