Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

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Robert Frost’s “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” is a poem that gives off different feelings the more times one re-reads it. At a first glance, it seems like a simple momentary encounter for the speaker with beautiful Mother Nature, who stops to enjoy it before returning to the long journey that awaits him. However, with the second read, as one thinks more deeply, it becomes clear that the poem is actually illustrating the speaker’s journey through life. The unforeseen stopping depicts a point in life, where the speaker debates whether he wants to continue on with life or not. The poem turns from being a transparent fancy for nature to a more dramatic one, which possesses deep significance. While nature is beautiful, the speaker is exhausted and has obligations that he must get back to. In order to help the reader perceive a deeper understanding of the poem, the author uses imagery, symbolism, and repetition.
The author uses imagery to illustrate to the reader the view that the speaker is observing. Snow starts falling and the man is caught up in the beauty of the scene. He s...

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