Stoned To Death In The Lottery By Shirley Jackson

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Would you stone your best friend to death? Shirley Jackson created a gut wrenching short story called “The Lottery”. The Lottery is a barbaric ritual not a drawing for money. This gut wrenching ritual takes place on June 27th each year, the townspeople assemble to risk the possibility of being stoned to death.

To begin with, were the villagers enthusiastic about this sacrifice? In the lottery the villagers seemed exhausted and wanted to rush through the ritual. In the lottery it says “Well now” Mr.Summers said “guess we better get started, get this thing over with, so’s we can go back to work.” The villages acted as if it was normal to stone people to death. The people acted as if this was a daily thing to do but they were not happy or excited about it they were calm and normal.

Also, in the lottery Bill Hutchinson tells his wife to shut up in front of everyone, why would he do something that disrespectful? In the 1940’s the men of the household thought that they could treat women and children however they wanted. When Bill told Tessie to shut up in front of the whole town it was embarrassing her making her look like she had to do whatever Bill wanted her to do. Bill Hutchinson told Tessie to shut up because he thought he had some kind of entitlement. …show more content…

All the townspeople knew that one of them were going to be killed but if they knew the risks they were taking then why would do the lottery? It was unfair because even though the villagers thought it was right to kill innocent people they didn't fully understand what the lottery was or what it meant. The townspeople was raised to believe in the lottery. People should be able to choose what they believe in and not have their parents telling them that they have to believe in something or else something terrible will happen. If the lottery was a choice then most or all of the townspeople would chose not to do

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