Stolen-Chapter Summary

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Brown: the first color that sixteen-year-old Gemma notices after she awakens to the fact that she’s been lying on a bed. Heat licked her sunburned face and coiled around her limbs like a great hot-blooded serpent. The ground smoldered and sent up a disorientating haze. Even the birds were silent and the sand stood still as if it were too hot to move, and any remote signs of life seemed dormant or dead. Gemma has slipped away from the noisy streets of London to the quiet serene deserts of Australia. Everything couldn't have been more perfect in the eyes of her twenty-four-year-old captor, Ty, but it seems as if Gemma has been taken away from everything she's loved, her family, her friends, and her life back home to sand, heat, and isolation. …show more content…

Maybe, the correct word being stolen, stolen into the universe of uncertainties that is Gemma’s world. After walking away from an argument with her parents at the airport, Gemma enters the Starbucks nearby in search of something, anything to calm her nerves. There she finds her solace― coffee― and is greeted by a handsome young man, Ty, with comfortable blue eyes that draw her in. It almost seems as if she’s known him her whole life. Yet, that’s impossible, right? He offers to get her a coffee and hovers over the confection stand as he initiates phase one of his plan. He empties the sugar packets one at a time and returns to the the table where Gemma is seated. Before long sweat trickles down Ty’s cheek and he nervously stares at his prey like a predator ready to pounce. Before long Gemma loses all senses and in plain sight, she is drugged and stolen. When she awakes a perpetual wasteland stares back her, it’s hot, dry, and inert: a desert in the middle of nowhere. She is left to survive with the one person she hates the most, Ty, and he expects her to love

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