Stigma Of Mental Illness Essay

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Stigmas towards people with mental illness are very common and are a challenge to the stigmatized individuals. They are also an important issue in the psychology discipline. Fink and Tasman (1992) define stigma as a mark for disgrace that set a person apart from the rest. There are different types of stigmas namely; public stigma, self-stigma and institutional stigma and these can co-exist. The aim of this essay is to examine the term stigma and discuss the negative attitudes that the public hold towards people suffering with mental illness and suggest why they may have adopted these views and attitudes. To also address the media's role in portraying these views and sustaining these attitudes towards mental illness. Finally conclude by making some recommendations for practice, ways that stigma can be reduced and how mental illness can be …show more content…

Moreover, they believe that people with mental illness are more likely to hurt others, act violently and engage in criminal activities however, this is not true. These false assumptions are as a result of people having minimal knowledge about mental illness. Furthermore, society tends to perpetuate a discriminating and stereotyping attitude towards those with mental illness. When society labels a person by their illness, that society is said to be stereotypical. Stereotypical behaviour creates prejudice which leads to discrimination. Rogers and Pilgrim (2009) defines public stigma as the “everyday life discrimination encountered by persons with mental illness in interpersonal interactions.” Stigma can pervade every aspects of the person’s life. For instance, public stigma robs mentally ill persons with social opportunities, employment opportunities and ultimately diminishes their self-esteem. Often when self-esteem

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