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Computer security ethics and privacy
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In chapter six of the text it explained the hacker code of ethics and the issues associated with it. An ethical hacker is defined as a computer and networking expert who systematically attempts to penetrate a computer system or network on behalf of its owners for finding security vulnerabilities that malicious hackers could infiltrate. American journalist Steven Levy established six principals for hacker code of ethics. The six principal are limited computer access, free use of information, mistrusted- authority, examination of hacker, creation, and support in life for advancement. These principal has been controversial to many based on personal moral. As for creating appropriate set of guidelines for non-malicious hackers without becoming
In reality, most hackers are ordinary people with a great deal of curiosity, above-average skills with a computer, a good understanding of human nature, and plenty of time to kill. Hackers have no distinguishing characteristics. Your next-door neighbor could be a hacker, as could your niece or nephew, one of your co-workers, or even the kid who serves you coffee in the morning. Not all hackers are dangerous and out to destroy business or damage lives. The view of the general public toward hackers is mixed. A recent CNN-poll shows 33% of respondents labeling hackers as "useful," 17% seeing them "as a menace," and the majority (45%) seeing hackers as "both" useful and a menace (CNN, 1999).
Kevin David Mitnick was born in Los Angeles on august 6, 1963 and he attended James Monroe high school in L.A. He was a hacker, phreaker and social engineer, who was the world’s most wanted computer criminal in 90’s, He was charged for many criminal activities forfraud and computer hacking into many top companies and stealing their confidential data. The Federal Bureau of Investigation, arrested Kevin Mitnick on February 15, 1995. He spent nearly five years in a federal prison for the charges. He is now a computer security consultant, author, and an ethical hacker, who started a computer security company called “Mitnick Security Consulting, LLC” and getting paid by the companies for ethical hacking.
...difficult to try and tell someone that ethics and moral are important for an individual or our society. Hacktivism being a recent adaptation of computer hacking has spread through out the world consistently from years ago. Some are political activists trying to make a point and achieve some goals and getting through tot the people. Hacktivist show society what the new problems are in the world without permission of the law. Some show what could happen if there was a full on cyber terrorism placed against us. In the end, these actions that were used to only show what could happen have turned into being a message that shows us they are just as dangerous as anyone else. The fear people have of hackers is about the same as criminals on the street.
The use of hacking to identify weaknesses in computer security has become an increasingly controversial issue in recent years. Awareness of this issue is important, because our ever increasing reliance on technology means that breaches in computer security have the potential to have wide-ranging and devastating consequences to society, worldwide. This essay will begin by clearly defining the term ‘hacking’ and will examine the type of people who hack and for what reasons. There will then follow a discussion of the moral argument on hacking before examining a few brief examples. The essay will then conclude by arguing against the use of hacking as a means of identifying weaknesses in computer security.
[11] Rosenfeld, Jack [1997] IFIP Publishes Book on Ethics of Computing from an International Perspective. ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, Vol. 29, No. 1, Jan 1997, [Online], Available: http://www.acm.org/sigchi/bulletin/1997.1/international.html.
Source code is the lifeblood of all high tech software organizations. If it falls into the wrong hands, a company will very likely experience damagingly costly repercussions. As a result, most tech companies invest a relatively large chunk of their revenues into network security.
Underwood, A. (2000, January). Professional Ethics in a Security and Privacy Context–the Perspective of a National Computing Society. In Information Security and Privacy (pp. 477-486). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
“A hacker is someone with deep knowledge of and great interest in a system. A hacker is someone who likes to delve into the inner workings of a system to find out how it works.”2 The definition of a hacker has been skewed in recent years by the press to connotate people who break into computer systems. The term has also evolved to represent people who protect computer systems and those that break into them. These newly termed hackers can be classified into three categories white-hat, black-hat, and gray-hat hackers. White-hat hackers are employed by corporations and work on the good side to secure computer systems without breaking into them. Black-hat hackers work on the bad side and attempt to compromise systems in illegal ways. Gray-hat hackers occupy the gray space of hacking and break into systems to learn and expose flaws, often as a service to the computer community. The ethical line dividing white-hat hackers and black-hat hackers is clear. However, the line that separates gray-hat hackers from black-hat hackers is constantly shifting in the new global network. Hacking that may have been considered ethical yesterday may not be true today due to the impact on global systems in the form of dollars loss and downtime.
“For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Matthew 16:26) This verse asks the question how can someone profit or take advantage of the world if they damage or lose their character along the way, what is worth more than one’s soul? This question can help one in determining their ethics by balancing what is right, meaningful, and most important to them. Knowing and understanding one’s ethical values is important on the path towards achieving one’s goals.
The computer is considered one of the most technological advances of the twentieth century. As the general public becomes increasingly ‘computer literate,' the gap between technology and peoples' intellect notably shrinks. The readily available computers, software, and assorted output devices have enlightened many but, in turn, have increased the using of computers for unethical activities, privacy invasion and illegal purposes. Legal sanctions against abusive use of computers are a reactive approach. A proactive approach is to teach students about computer ethics in classrooms. An effective teaching method are the presentation of ethical scenarios. It is anticipated that through this method, students will personalize the need for developing ethical standards of behavior. The ultimate goal is for students, if necessary, to change their set of personal beliefs to include ethics.
“Ethical Hacking: Understanding the Benefits, Goals and Disadvantages” (Kitchen, 2010), how hacking can be ethically positive and improve lives of many in this society. “Ethical hackers” explains how computer experts may take hacking in a positive way and find out ways to protect an individual. It’s the customers or the owner of that network to be able to take in account and report, anything they may find unusual. This would allow them to track hackers who would be trying to hack an organisation’s system and exploit their information. Company’s hackers may use it in a positive manner, and prevent the system from being hacked or build a strong defence mechanism (security system) to prevent hackers. As they would know that the other ‘negative’ hacker’s wouldn’t be able to get into, this could potentially help to secure the
The term “hacker” has been in use since the early 1980’s due to mass media usage to describe computer criminals. The use of this term is vastly used by the general population and most are not aware that there are different meanings to the word. People within the computing community especially within the programming subculture emphasize the use of the term “crackers” for computer security intruders (cyber criminals). Early hackers rarely used their skills for financial gain as a motivation for their criminal behavior in that time cybercrime was infantile and largely seen as a practical joke or game by those who committed it. Bob Thomas created the first credited computer worm n...
The issue with tackling the ethical hacker scenario is that the event is almost entirely action based. There is no end to give meaning to the action and there is no finalized result or indication that it impacted happiness, which many ethical theories depend on. Namely consequentialism, utilitarianism and ethical egotism require an end result in one form or another. There is also no purpose in committing the hackings which makes applying moral theories that deal with motivation and intent, ethical egotism and aspects of virtue ethics, increasingly more difficult to do effectively. Therefore moral theories that apply almost exclusively to the action itself will be utilized in this argument.
It is held by many people today that the World seems to be a small global village because of internet and use of ICT and computers. There are many different issues and cases in Information and Communication Technology as well as in other fields that need proper analysis leading to correct decisions for solutions. Because of the brevity of the assignment, I would like to talk about security in cyberspace to deal with hacktivism and hacker ethics. Security in cyberspace or computer laboratory nowadays is risen an issue that needs solutions among computer users who always like to interact with computers. As these users come to this type of environment, they bring with them different actions or behaviors that are different from one user to another. Ethics in such environment seeks to have correct answers to issues related to computer security. Thus, in this essay, the term hacker, hacker ethics and hacktivism are dealt with accordingly. What then is computer security? The following paragraph deals with this question.
Harvey, Brian."Computer Hacking and Ethics." Ed. Paul Goodman, P.G. Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. U of California, Berkeley, n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2014.