Steven Levitt Cause Of Crime Essay

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The author, Steven Levitt, lists the causes for the decrease in crime that occurred in the U.S. during the 1990's that were mentioned in newspaper articles. What were they? The causes that Steven Levitt uses from the newspaper articles that explain the drop in crime were: 1). Innovative policing strategies 2). Increased reliance on prisons 3). Changes in crack and other drug markets 4). Aging of the population 5). Tougher gun control laws 6). Strong economy 7). Increased number of police 8). All other explanations (increased use of capital punishment, concealed-weapons laws, gun buybacks, and others (Levitt Pg. 120- 121).

2. Of the above proposed causes, which ones did Levitt say ACTUALLY caused crime to go down? The cause of crime to go …show more content…

Choose one of the things Levitt says did NOT cause a decrease in crime. Explain why he said this wasn’t something that caused crime to go down. One of things that cause no decrease in crime is the increased use of capital punishment, which result in the death penalty. It has no significant impact of decreasing crime, besides taking the offender off the streets. The criminal spends a lifetime in prison awaiting for their death sentence to come. Increased Capital punishment can be very costly, when the money can be put to better law- enforcement uses on how to decrease crime.

4. According to the criminologists mentioned in Levitt’s chapter, why might increase ownership of guns lead to LESS crime? Even though crime has decreased since the 1990’s in the United States, many citizens own guns or have guns in their homes with and without a carry permit. Individuals purchase guns because they want to prepare for the increases of crime rate that’s around them. Another reason is that concealed gun ownership/laws will lessen the crimes, because criminals are unsure which possible citizen (victim) can protect themselves.
-States who do let their citizens have gun ownership have the largest drops in less crime, these state laws allow citizens to carry a conceal weapon if they don’t have no mental illness or criminal history. As more people get their permit there will be a decrease in less

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