Steve Jobs Argumentative Essay

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In Steve Jobs speech at Stanford University, he divides his speech into three sections “Connecting the dots,” “Love and loss,” and “Death.” Jobs goes deep into each section and explains why they played a major key in who he was at that moment. The speech connected with many people and made others take a long look at their lives. This also reflects my life as these make up who I am today and where I will be in the future. The first section “Connecting the dots” was all about the big influences on Jobs’s Life. Jobs’s story in this first section is how he made it to college and dropped out, but stayed an extra eighteen months to drop in on the classes that interested him. This particular story takes me back to when I was in middle school. In my middle school days I thought school was too easy, so I never listened to what the teachers were saying. I always got bored with the subjects and would goof around in class. This included core subjects such as math, english, and science. I attribute this to why I procrastinate so much on my school …show more content…

Now i know not everyone has had near death experiences, but I did and it came when i was rock climbing. Keeping the story short i almost fell to my death free climbing up the side of a mountain on the side of a hiking trail. This experience had me rethink my life probably in a similar way that jobs did. Jobs states "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today? And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.” This was similar to me as well, but I made a conscious decision to live my life as happily as i can well i have time here on earth. I don't wake up every morning and think what i'm gonna do that day. I instead just do what little I have planned and flow with the rest of it, I always just make sure i won't hate how I spend my

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