Steroids Should Not Be Allowed In Sports

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Life isn’t fair; it never has been, never will be. But what if sports can at least be equitable? The use of PEDs and other unnatural growth substances will be widely unfair for all contestants who do not choose to partake in these activities. Performance enhancing drugs have been plaguing the sports world since the rapid usage increase in the 1960’s (Freudenrich.) These substances can lead to serious injuries and unethical actions. The use of steroids and other PEDs are a major health risk for adults and children and diminish the value of true talent in professional sports. Not only is the use of steroids unethical in most minds, it is detrimental to one’s health and emotions. Studies have shown “uncontrollable aggression stems from taking anabolic steroids. So do kidney and liver damage, plus shrunken testicles and enlarged breasts in men” (Douglas.) This shows not only the mental effect of reckless aggression, but the lifelong consequences of these harmful substances. Therefore, the use of these drugs can permanently harm one’s body, but also result in him or her getting in trouble with the law. There have been many cases of deaths of bodybuilders and cyclists in …show more content…

Because the parents of aspiring pro athletes want to help children achieve their goals, they will likely aid them with PEDs. Some households will not be able to afford these entities. Therefore, they will be making an investment, of sorts, in this child. If he or she goes professional, they will make all this money back; if he or she doesn’t, they could be on the streets. The already rich will be able to afford more substantial drugs whereas the poor will get the lower end of these substances. This will likely propel the wealthier child into a better physical condition and thus have a better chance of going to a professional level. In doing this, a large wage gap could be created between the “investors” of their

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