Steroids In Sports Essay

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Sports enhancing drugs have been around for many years now and are one of biggest controversy topics for sports. Steroids were originally established in the 20th century. However, if it was not for pure testosterone that can be traced back to the first olympic games. It would not have been found yet. Steroids give players an advantage because it helps the body’s muscle cells produce more protein and ATP(which is fuel for muscles). This means that players get faster recovery and also strength gains faster than the average person working out. I believe that as a professional athlete, you should have your own right to if you want to take any performance enhancing drug. Steroids became illegal in 1975, in all sports and olympics. Over the …show more content…

Over many years scientist have study the body’s reaction to steroids. I agree, that steroids are not a healthy supplement for the body, however, I also believe that not all steroids are bad, but get labelled as this because of abuse, unsanitary, and taking different sports enhancing drugs that shouldn’t be taken. Stated by Bengt Kayser, MD, PhD “We believe that rather than drive doping underground, use of drugs should be permitted under medical supervision. Legalization of the use of drugs in sport might even have some advantages. The boundary between the therapeutic and ergogenic - i.e., performance enhancing - use of drugs is blurred at present and poses difficult questions for the controlling bodies of anti-doping practice and for sports doctors. The antidoping rules often lead to complicated and costly administrative and medical follow-up to ascertain whether drugs taken by athletes are legitimate therapeutic agents or illicit.” (1) This article is an example of many that believe rather instead of banding steroids., allowing it to be done fairly by sports medical doctors that work for an association covered by all sports. An organization with a set list of rules such as limiting dosages, periodic drug test to make sure people do not cheat this system, and only allowing drugs to help with

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