Stereotyping of Muslims due to Terrorist Attacks Worldwide

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Muslims are one of many that are discriminated based upon their religion because of events that have happened in the past that still take effect in society today. Such events like 9-11 and the attack on the pentagon, which were caused by Al Qaeda. After this event, Americans began to targetmore Muslim people based on their religion, which is a form of generalization. With discriminating these people’s religion, American began to stereotype Muslims because American’s are intimidated by Muslims based on the event on September 11, 2001.
The religion that most Muslims believe in is Islamic, a religion where they believe that there is only one God, Allah; the Arabic word for god (dictionary, 2014). This religion is to be the second largest religion in the world with 1 billion followers (BBC, 2014). Just like Christians or Catholic, Muslims have book of laws like The Bible, it is called the Qur’an but they also have the Sunnah. These two books are the basis of the practice and beliefs of Islam. The Sunnah is the traditional part of the Muslim law that is based on the words and acts of Muhammad, and preserved into the traditional literature (dictionary, 2014). Muhammad was the person who first founded the religion of Islam, which is accepted by Muslims across the world as the last of the prophets of God (Britannia). Also, within the Sunnah is the five basic Pillars of Islam. These are the most important practices of the religion because it is the obligations that every Muslim must they must be satisfied with in order to live a good and responsible life; according to Islam (BBC, 2014). The five pillars consist of Shahadah, Salat,Zakat, Sawm, and Hajj. The Shahadah is when they recite the Muslim profession of faith, the Salat is when perf...

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