Stereotypes Of Women In History

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Take a look into a history book and notice the dominance of texts written about men, by men. Notice the rebellions, the movements, and the outcry of unjust ruling, all perpetrated by men, of course only according to the history books. Where were the women in all of this? They were there yet silenced. Nowadays, there is a stereotype of women being quiet and to themselves, and while it would make sense for way back in the past, it is entirely untrue for today’s standard. With the ever approaching equality of all, both genders have become equally boisterous with what they say and women are in no way quitter than men. As a quieter person I tend to listen and notice more when it comes to what other people say. From my own personal …show more content…

History has shown repeated occurrences of patriarchy. Rome, Greece, America, all have had political positions dominantly held by men. Women’s opinions were silenced from politics and the men created the rules. Rarely would a women have a strong voice in society throughout history. Women being silenced was especially evident in the early 1900’s. These women were treated like objects and turned into housewives who did not speak up unless given permission from her husband. They weren’t allowed to work so they were quiet and contained to themselves. This has developed the stereotype of women being quiet and to themselves. History had shaped women in to quiet maids and that is what ended with the start of the feminist movement. This movement however wasn’t the first evidence of this stereotype being false, back at the dawn of the Wild West of America women had a huge impact on how cities shaped out to be. Men were first moved into these areas to work on expanding America and establishing cities however it was when the women came in when things started happening. Since only men were present they had created a lust for women which the women used to their advantage. By doing so their wealth grew quick and distributed it towards establishing saloons and marketplaces that created bustling Wild West towns. The movies you see of cowboys don’t show this, they depict women as objects that need to be protected and saved, the men were depicted as the heroes of the Wild West. This greater established the stereotype of quiet women who stick to themselves. This type of plot structure was repeated in the film industry backing the stereotype. Protected by the film industry and historical patterns this stereotype was able to grow

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