Stereotypes Of Women In Engineering

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Women majoring in engineering are labeled by society this is where stereotypes and misconceptions come in place, the truth about women are not understood by others. Stereotypes and misconceptions played a huge role in society because humans view groups in a different perspective than who people actually are. Stereotypes are based on truth but, with an exaggeration when describing a group of people, cognitions and or believes. On the other hand, misconception is different from stereotypes because misconception is a view based on untruth descriptions about that group or even an assumption just because human are a part of a certain group. Having stereotypes and misconceptions in society can affect various groups because some of the groups can take it as something offensive. The fact is that groups of people are labels that way because of how people act or dress is different from other people, this follows by commercials and even social media that are impacting the way society see people. Society acts a certain way because people feel comfortable to represent them self that way. As part of society women impact society the same as men do because both are humans.

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