Stereotypes In The 1999 Election

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Election (1999) is a film is about an election at a high school for student council president. In this year’s election teacher Jim McAllister becomes irritated with the only candidate Tracy Flick, as he finds she not deserve to become president. This is partly due to the relationship Tracy had with his best friend and former colleague Dave Novotny. Tracy Flick, Paul Metzler and Jim McAllister tell the story about the election years after high school. As the teenagers tell the story while they are adults and the teacher is also an adult, the viewpoint of the movie is an adult perspective and thus not from a teenager perspective. According to Johanna Wyn Stereotypes from adults “derive more from ‘the desires, fantasies and interests of the adult …show more content…

The first major stereotype is about the affair. While Jim McAllister says, he does not blame Tracy Flicks for the affair she had with fellow colleague and friend Dave Novatny, it becomes clear that he indeed blames her for it. First of all, he becomes concerned that Tracy also wants something more than a teacher student relation when she tells Jim “When I win the presidency that means you and I are gonna be spending a lot of time together. And I for one would really like for that time to be harmonious and productive.” That Jim stereotypes her in that way would be logical as for teenagers to fall in love with someone, the bond with their parents must be weaker as Robert Sylwester describes (50). That Tracy Flick’s mother raises her alone and she does not have a father means that one might think that she has a weaker bond, as she has no relationship with her father. As a result of that she would likely again seek a relationship with an older man. Another stereotype is that the older Tracy Flick talks about Paul Metzler as a popular rich boy, who did think he did not have to work for anything. This is again a negative stereotype of an adult about the then situation. Both these stereotypes show that the adults are full of biases against the teenagers and thus do not understand what the teenagers want in …show more content…

When Jim McAllister convinces another candidate, Paul Metzler, to join the presidential race the justifying of behavior increases. Firstly, while older Tracy says she is not upset with Paul running against her, however the movie shows that she is upset when she begins working harder. Another justification is when Jim muffles away two votes making Paul the winner instead of Stacy, Jim then says “after all what harm had really been done, nobody was dead.” This statement is again a justification of the self-made choices of Jim. This shows that Jim is biased about his own decisions. Both justifications show that the people are unaware of the dreams of these teenagers and what they want to become in

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