Stereotypes In Blackheart By Ivan E. Coyote

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“I am a rare species, not a stereotype.” This quote from author, Ivan E. Coyote explores the fact that nobody is something and one thing only. That we can’t just go around labeling people because of what we think they are. Labeling people shows us nothing about who they really are. Someone could be labeled “cheery” because they smile in the hallways, but really, they cry all the time. Someone could be labeled “dangerous” just because they look mean, they could never hurt a fly. Nimona shows that nobody is completely bad or good, that certain labels that are given to some of the characters do not apply. Blackheart is labeled bad and the institution is labeled good. When we look into the book, we find that these labels really do not apply at …show more content…

He was titled a criminal, yet he refused to kill. He robbed a bank, but he exposed the institution for putting the citizens in danger. We learn this from the beginning of the book when, on just page four, Nimona wants to make an evil plan that kills lots of people. Ballister refuses, he says, “You can’t just go around murdering people. There are RULES, Nimona.” A few pages later we learn that he was destined to be a hero, not a criminal, he was supposed to be saving people, not stealing from them. He still obviously wants to fill that roll when he finds out the institution is hiding jaderoot which could poison and kill the citizens of the town. He wants to expose them and save the people, this could obviously just be him wanting to get back at the institution for not hiring him, …show more content…

They claim they are keeping everybody safe and that they are the “good guys” but in chapter ten we learn that they are holding jade root in their premises, a very dangerous poison that could be harming the same people they claim to protect. When they are faced with problems like Nimona, instead of dealing with her in a civil way, they send Goldenloin to try and kill her. On page 86 the institution leader says, “Get rid of the sidekick. By any means necessary.” And later the institution she to not only kill Nimona, but Blackheart too. There are much better ways to take care of them then simply ending their lives. When they finally trap Nimona, they constantly shock her or Blackheart if she does even the slightest of things wrong. They are not the good

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