Stephanie Ericsson The Ways We Lie Essay

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We all lie in one way or another. Whether it is a simple white lie about how someone really looks or blaming someone else for something we really did, we all have lied. In Stephanie Ericsson’s essay, “The Ways We Lie”, she explains the ways people lie in order to get what they want, to stay out of trouble, or just to hide from the cold hard truth. Ericsson explains how is it nearly impossible to go without telling a lie and how lies affect others. After evaluating Ericsson’s essay on the many ways we lie, I can say I am most guilty of the telling whites and lying by omission.
To begin, white lies are the most common. We all remember as kids how our parents never told us that Santa Claus didn’t exist. I actually found out Santa Claus didn’t exist because I snuck out of my room on Christmas Eve when I was six and found my mother still wrapping presents at midnight. However, my mother never felt guilty about lying because she did not want her little girl to find out the truth. Even after finding out he wasn’t real, I never told my mother I knew the …show more content…

I was downtown Savannah with my friends one weekend, and I came across this girl who told us she was an up-and-coming artist. After talking to us for a few minutes, she insisted that we listen to her music. I didn’t want to be rude, so I said sure. She pulled up her YouTube account to show us one of her songs. Needless to say, the song was horrible. The entire song was bad, from the lyrics to the beat, everything was just off. After listening to the first minute of the song, I was ready for it to be over. After the song finished, she asked me what I thought. Even though the song was horrible, I didn’t want to tell her how bad the song was because I didn’t want to offend her. Therefore, I told her that the song was good and that I would check out more of her music. I never saw her again, and I’m pretty sure her music career went

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