Step Sister Case Studies

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a) Family Identifying data AD is a nine a year-old girl in a 4th grade class at Oak Street Elementary school in Goddard, KS. She is a mixed child between a white father and a black African mother. AD is very active helping her parents with with petting dogs and cleaning the house. Her parents are present during the interview and they are cooperative. AD has 2 steps sisters; she says that her older step sister is her role model. Her mother state that AD has been a good student and she is grade ahead of other student in her age. She is above average and she likes basketball. She states that has a lot of friends in school and at the kid’s church. b) Developmental Stage and Family History AD parents met 12 years ago, they have AD has their only child but AD mother has two daughters from previous …show more content…

Her family discussed with AD dangers of playing with dogs especially unfamiliar ones. AD state that she will not play with strange dogs again. 2) Anxiety Related to unknown about of her step sister as evidenced by repeatedly hopeless talk relating to her disappearing. Positive attitude will help AD cope with the situation and remained her that the authority and the public is helping to look for her. Pray with the with patient that the search goes well as she trusts in the Lord. 3) Risk for injury related to AD riding her bike without helmet. AD will get an opportunity to look at the pictures of head injuries from accident involving kids riding bikes without helmets on. j) Genogram AD’s garndeparents from her dad side live in Oklahoma, They have been farmers all their lives. Her grandfather 89 is diabetic and he has A fib. He is diagnosed with Hypertension. Both grandparents don’t need assistances doing ADLs but they both have short term memory

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