Stella By Sharon Draper: Summary

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The book Stella by Starlight written by Sharon Draper is a very interesting story a young girl named Stella and The Klu Klux Klan. Stella lives with her brother, Jojo, and her mother, and her father In Bumblebee, North Carolina. One night Jojo wakes Stella up because he heard voices while he was going to the outhouse. They went out to the lake by their house (where the voices were coming from) and they saw a burning cross. Stella knew it was the Klu Klux Klan. Stella and Jojo ran home and woke up their parents. "My guts felt frozen," Stella told her friend Anthony. This shows that she was really scared when she saw The KKK burning the cross. Their father held a meeting with all of the negro men and after that Jojo and Stella were sent to bed. The KKK was in town and that meant that the colored people had to be on high alert. The next day as all of the children were walking to school a bunch of parents kept reminding them to be careful. "Mind you keep …show more content…

Stella‘s Mother decided to have a potluck with their whole neighbor hood because Spoon Man hardly ever came into town. One night, Stella‘s mother made dinner for one of her mother‘s friend and she was bringing it down to her house. After she dropped it off she smelt smoke and she heard the clomping of horses hooves. She turns around to see the Spencer‘s house burning to the ground and a bunch of horses coming strait at her. On the horses were KKK members. They burned the Spencer‘s house. The whole negro population of Bumblebee was trying to help put out the fire because the fire department wasn‘t coming to help save the house. The Spencer‘s couldn‘t find one of their kids and Stella found her. The Spencer‘s got clothes and food, and the negro community worked on building a new house for the large family. Later on in the story, Stella goes with her father to vote at the town next to theirs and the white men treat her father

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