State Of The American Dream In The Great Gatsby

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In The Great Gatsby, what does F. Scott Fitzgerald suggest about the state of the American Dream, the people who pursue it, and the impact of that pursuit through his depiction of Jay Gatsby and the people in Gatsby’s life? Include specific examples, quotations, and supporting details from the novel in your response. Do not merely summarize the story.

The American Dream is the idea that anyone who comes to America can achieve wealth through hard work. In the Epic of America, Adams stated that the American Dream is a social order where every man and woman would be able to progress without the chains of their past interfering. The Great Gatsby is a negative review of the American Dream. It shows that anyone can make money, but not everyone
He became wealthy through illegally distributing alcohol, but his success did not last. He lost everything through his attempts to impress Daisy, but they began to have an affair. Daisy’s husband, Tom Buchanan, became suspicious of Daisy’s relationship with Jay; when he realized they were having an affair he was infuriated that his wife would ever be unfaithful to his, despite the fact that he was having an affair with Myrtle, who was married to George. Myrtle saw Tom as her opportunity to make money, an affair was her method of achieving the American Dream. When Gatsby’s car crashes into Myrtle’s car, killing her, Gatsby took the blame despite Daisy being the one driving the car. When George heard of the manner of his wife’s death, he believed her lover had purposely caused the wreck to kill his wife, so he went after Jay Gatsby. He shot Jay while he was in the pool of his mansion, then shot himself. When Nick heard of the events, he was disgusted by the manner of which these men of the upper class acted. He planned a funeral for Gatsby, then returned back to his home to flee from then revulsion he felt for the people in Gatsby’s life and their lack of morals. He looked back at Jay’s love for Daisy and compared it to the downfall of the American Dream. Both the American Dream and Gatsby’s love were corrupted by money and dishonesty. He decided that the dreaming era was over, for Gatsby, and for

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