Stanley's Mistake

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The Plan The majority of people in this world work in an office, and the majority of that group of people hate their jobs. Well, Stanley is not a part of the majority of the office workers; Stanley is different than the other workers. “Sure, working is not that bad,” Stanley states. On the other hand, when the other workers got asked about work they say, “Work? Payday is the only day of work that I like.” Not one person in work likes working other than Stanley, well except for one person. This one person is actually not that diligent, he is not skilled as well, but he gets a lot of money. This money of course, came from Stanley. John is his name. John gets the money because he knows something that no one else knows. This “something”, is a …show more content…

He tried to give it back, but he was in too deep in this thing, and besides, he didn’t want to lose his job. This is why he kept it as a secret that only he knew. Well, at least that’s what he thinks, because this one guy, John, knows about this. John figured this out because John saw the change in personality that had happened to Stanley; he also realized that Stanley’s bank account has increased drastically. “I know what you did,” said John. “What do you mean?” said Stanley who was shaking in terror. John crept up closer to Stanley and whispered, “You took the money, didn’t you?” Stanley, who was now paralyzed with fear replied, “I…it was an accident.” “Sure it was,” John replied sarcastically. Still paralyzed, Stanley again, replied back, “No… really… it was an accident.” “If it was an accident, then why haven’t you returned the money?” asked John curiously. “It’s because if I returned the money, they will know that I took it, and the boss will fire me,” explained Stanley. “But that means that you took the money, right?” stated John accusing Stanley. Stanley, now ashamed and afraid replied, “Y… yes.” “So from now on, you will give me what I want,” John states proudly and …show more content…

Payday is coming soon and John’s death with it,” Stanley thinks. Finally, the words that Stanley has been waiting for came out from John’s mouth. “Stanley!” called John, “Where is my money?” “Oh, right!” said Stanley pretending to be afraid, “Come to my house later at 7, we’ll take care of the paper work there.” At home, Stanley planned it all. He planned it all perfectly. When the meeting is about to happen, he will ask his maid to get milk from the nearest market so that his maid wouldn’t know what and who John is. That being done, he will then intoxicate John with a few shots of Vodka. Now that that’s done, he will take John home through the road that leads to an intersection with the railway. There, he will finish him off by stabbing him with a knife that he will hide inside the jacket that he will be wearing. Then, he will tie John to the railway where the 8 o’clock train will pass through. He then remembered that he will need an alibi, which is why he will rewind the clock 5 minutes back beforehand. This is to make sure that his maid will be tricked into thinking that Stanley was there when the incident happened. He will exit and enter through the back door to avoid colliding with his maid who exits through the front door to buy some milk. It was the perfect plan he

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