Stand Up Don T Kneel Analysis

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Stand Up, Don't Kneel;Everyone Has a Voice Here

Honorable, kindhearted, memorable, and powerful all describe the famous king in the book, The Story Of King Arthur, written by Robin Lister. King Arthur is very honorable and kindhearted because people could always count on him to rule safly. Lancelot, a noble knight who loved Guinevere, the queen, sent a message to king Arthur asking him to keep Guinevere safe. Despite what happened between Lancelot and Guinevere, King Arthur decides to leave her out of the battle. Answering Lancelot he said “He would gladly welcome his queen, whom he had forgiven long ago. At the same time he would sadly prepare to fight”(151). He was starting to feel remorse about sending Guinevere to be burned to death.

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