Stalin's Satire

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Try to imagine this scenario. At noon, execution was held, and when the orders were given, multiple dogs bared their fangs and tore through the flesh of four pigs that supposedly “revolted”. One by one, animals that had done no harm were forced to confess that they were traitors and were slaughtered. In a matter of minutes, the scent of bloodshed and death filled the entire area. Piles of dead bodies were left to decay in the barnyard. This exhibit of murder sounds gruesome, correct? In fact, this is an event that occurs in the novel Animal Farm, a satire of the Russian Revolution written by George Orwell. This scene in particular is a parallel of the Blood Purges, a time when opposition of Joseph Stalin (totalitarian dictator), such as Leon Trotsky’s (his main enemy) followers were exiled or murdered. Although events of this nature are strong satires, the parallels between characters in the novel and those of the Russian Revolution are more common satires. In particular, the characters Old Major, Snowball and the ruthless, power-hungry Napoleon are the main reason for Animal Farm being a satire of the Russian Revolution.
To begin, Old Major is a very notable satire. Old Major himself portrays Vladimir Lenin, the man who planted the ideas to rebel against Nicholas Czar. Leninism, a political belief that imperialism is the highest form of capitalism which shifts struggles in all societies was made by Lenin. Similarly, Old Major planted the idea to rebel against Mr. Jones and formed the ideas for ANIMALISM, which in blunt terms states, “Four legs good, two legs bad,” (13). During his speech, Old Major states that the main reason by which rebellion is necessary is, “Man. Man is the only real enemy we have. Remove Man fr...

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...s were given their instruction by Napoleon himself in the farmhouse kitchen,” (44). Due to their similar personalities and actions, Napoleon is unanimously the satire of Stalin. Ergo, this fact alone approves that parallels between characters in Animal Farm and the Russia Revolution are the main factors for it being a satire of the revolution.
The parallels between characters of Animal Farm and important figures of the Russian Revolution make this novel a satire of said revolution. This satire denotes the dangers of Stalinism to a society. Although he claimed he was for the helpful ideas of Leninism, he twisted his own thoughts and changed the ideas of communism itself. The main idea of George Orwell’s Animal Farm may seem to be a creative story, but his true goal was to inform people of a major crisis occurring in Russia at the time by the means of satire.

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