St. Cecilia

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It is only befitting that tonight’s musical journey concludes by honoring the life and influence of St. Cecilia, the patron saint of music, who “appears to all musicians, appear and inspire.” Although St. Cecilia was not a musician, the tragically romantic story of her life dating from the third or fourth century says that Cecilia heard heavenly music when she was forced to marry a Pagan, Valerian. She told her husband that an angel watched over her to guard her purity, and when he wanted to see the angel, she told him he would see the angel after his baptism by Pope Urban. After Valarian converted, Cecilia, her husband and her brother undertook a mission of burying Christian martyrs killed by the Roman city officials. All three of them received …show more content…

Cecilia’s feast day, November 22 (c. 1913 –1976). The poem Hymn to St. Cecilia written by close friend, William H. Auden, divides the meaning into three parts. The first section refers to the holy lady, St. Cecilia, as an innocent virgin, who constructs an organ to extend the power of her prayer. Auden likened her to Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of fertility as she floated on a shell in the sea. The second section is the voice of music itself, carefree, innocent, playful, and joyful to all who partake of its aesthetic. For music cannot hurt or cause suffering. The third section deals with humans offering prayers to St. Cecilia, calling upon her to help us overcome our sorrows and restore our lost innocence. Additionally, the third section offers St. Cecilia’s answer, in which she reproaches humans for overlooking sorrow, and being blind to the destruction they cause. The poem ends with hope, returning once again to artists beseeching St. Cecilia to continue inspiring musicians to create ‘immortal fire.’ Keep in mind that this poem, written in the midst of World War II, holds meanings reflective of pre-war and during-war Europe. First, there is a happy time, joyful and blissfully unaware of pain, then a time of lost innocence and tremendous human suffrage. Benjamin Britten, a leading twentieth century composer was an active pacifist, speaking out against the war-ridden Europe and eventually gained status as a conscientious

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