Sst1 Task 1

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Standard: ES.3 The student will investigate and understand the characteristics of Earth and the solar system. Key concepts include a) position of Earth in the solar system; b) Sun-Earth-moon relationships; (seasons, tides, and eclipses); c) characteristics of the sun, planets and their moons, comets, meteors, and asteroids; and d) the history and contributions of space exploration. Enduring Understanding: Space Exploration has changed the outlook on space & human existence throughout time as technology has improved. Brief Descriptions of the Original Activity: After completing notes, the students watch the Mars Rover video and do questions related to the movie. We then normally do follow up worksheets with which orbiter has explored particular planets in a chart that includes the names and what was discovered. Then the students create their own rover and write a paragraph about what they would like the rover to explore. This is mostly focused on Mars because the students can then view GoogleMars and see what has been discovered with the pictures that have been released. …show more content…

In the first column list the countries and years that space has been explored (1981, 2015, China, Russia, U.S., etc.). In the second column, list different mechanisms (probes, satellites, telescopes, human vessels) that have been used to explore space. In the third column, detail the result of the exploration (impact on humans, products used, distinctive characteristics that were found, etc.). They will be using the computers to do the research in addition to textbooks and various video clips that are shown. Below the chart, answer the following question: “How does increasing technology impact the future outlook of space exploration and human

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