Sri Chinmoy

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Sri Chinmoy

At the beginning of this semester, I was very skeptical on the subjects that I would be learning about in my Ultramarathon Running class. When I walked into the first class and received the syllabus, my head dropped down as I saw that I would have to attend one of these grueling ultramarathon races. Needless to say, I was less than pleased to see this, but being open to new experiences, I soon began to look forward to seeing a race in person, and I decided to go to one in New York that was being run by the Sri Chinmoy Marathon team. I was puzzled to who this Sri Chinmoy was, and why he would possibly want to sponsor such a test of strength. That was the first instance that my attention was grabbed on the subject of Sri Chinmoy, and it didn't diminish my expectations at all for the time before the race.

The class and I journeyed to the Queens track on a dark and gloomy Saturday morning to see what the races were all about, and as we arrived we were greeted by a member of the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team, and my curiosity was than completely peaked. Who was this man that had a following of hard-core runners? How did he come to have a spiritual-like following of loyal males and females? I was drawn to find the answers to these questions. What I found out was this and much, much more, including things that came as quite a surprise to me, and some things that I assumed from the beginning. Whatever the case, the information about the Sri Chinmoy was hard to come by, yet still an invaluable source to come to an understanding of the man, his followers, and the numerous races and contributions that he has made to our society, a society that he hopes will one day be one of peace and inner and outer spirituality.

"Sri Chinmoy is a man who has devoted his life to the singular pursuit of a dream: A world where peace, harmony, and oneness reign supreme. Towards that end, for over thirty years, he has tirelessly walked along the road of peace, firm in his conviction that through determination and perseverance, we shall inevitably reach our destined goal -- we, the sisters and brothers of the human family." This is the opening to the pamphlet that the Sri Chinmoy Society sent me in action to my request for any information that they had on the subject of their spiritual leader.

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