Spring Monologue

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Did you know daylight saving time started today? Spring is around the corner. After waking up today, I opened all of the blinds in my room and stared at the tall pine trees in my backyard…I love their deep green color. They are captivating because, regardless of the season, they remain the same. But more captivating is the green grass that’s sprouting among my dormant lawn. It’s another sign that spring is coming. After the harsh winter, I see signs of life in nature…. This morning I found some time to meditate and think about the last couple of days. It seems that we have gone through an emotional roller coaster…so many highs and equally lows. At the center of it all is you, a man who is being pulled in many directions and trying to …show more content…

A father whose dedication to his daughter amazes me; they way you love Paige is how I feel every father should love their child/children. A man with a gentle spirit who believes in kindness, generosity, and love. An optimist who sees the brighter side of things. A creative mind that doesn’t limit itself to boundaries or constrains. A caring heart that would much rather deal with pain and disappointment internally rather than to hurt others. In you, I’ve found a dear friend who I can be open with and trust with my thoughts, emotions, past, failures, disappointments, dreams, and hopes. When I read your profile on tinder, I immediately felt something for you (it was not love or sexual attraction). I really wanted to reach out to you give you a hug and reassure you that everything would be okay. When I sent you that message, I really just hoped that my words would provide a bit of encouragement. After chatting for a couple of days, I recognized the beauty that was within you and I ran away. I cut you off because I started to fall for you but I knew that you wouldn’t/couldn’t give me your heart. You could have let me go but you gave me a way to find

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