Sports Photography Research Paper

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For my research project, I chose to talk about sports photography. The interesting thing about sports photography is that there are many things you can do with it to be creative. There are so many different shots and angles to be taken of athletes for personal gain and also advertisement. The pictures taken could also be shots that go down in history as one of the best sports moments, that’s why it’s important to try and capture as many pictures as you can. It can be tricky though to capture the best action shot. Some sports photographers work as freelance photographers, others are employed by media groups, corporations, and also sports teams. In order to enter this profession, there are some requirements. Some sports photographers enter the …show more content…

Most sport photographers work part time or on variable schedules depending on the amount of sports events available. The average sports photographer could make around 89 thousand dollars a year. Which are great numbers if you put in the work and commitment. These numbers may vary due to what kind of photographer you are, who you work for, and the events that you are hired for. The modern sports photography photography and journalism began in the 1920’s. Since then, sports photography has been a pretty big part of photography. It is one of the highest paying fields of photography and requires some skill to master. The most iconic style of sports photography is capturing the amazing moments in sports. Such as, capturing a slam dunk, or a touchdown in action, or an important run in baseball. The current trends tend to be the ones that signify glory or victory over another opponent or personal goals and achievements of the athlete. Sports photography has had an impact on the whole world. Photos have been taken and published on the covers of magazines such as Sports Illustrated and websites such as ESPN. These photos are broadcasted across the world and entertain many sports

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