Speak By Laurie Halse Anderson: Character Analysis

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In the book Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson, Melinda is entering high school completely alone. She has no friends and she has no one to turn to, even the people she doesn’t know hate her. All of this is happening to Melinda because she called the cops at an end of summer party and no one even bothered to ask her why. Something terrible happened that night at the party and memories of the event terrify and haunt her. There’s something about that night that she tries to forget, something she tries to not remember. Throughout the book you see ways Melinda is coping with her trauma. In the process of it all her nightmare, Andy Evans, comes and attacks her again, but this time Melinda isn’t so quiet about it. By the end of the book, Melinda uncovers her secret that has been trapped in her thoughts. Anderson develops a theme that if something traumatic …show more content…

Melinda starts out feeling alone and scared. She was very insecure, reserved and timid around her peers. She was failing school (75) because she had just given up on herself and her future and didn't have the drive anymore (24) The major turning point in her life after the party is when she encounters Andy Evans. The moment he attacks her she decides she’s had enough and strikes back. She is no longer quiet and she opens up about the event that happened. People become more understanding and she reaches out to help herself. The theme developed in this book is so important. Even if the event that happens to you isn’t to the same extent as what happened to Melinda, it’s still so important to reach out and ask for help. I think that the events in this book could easily happen to someone and it is such a simple book to relate too. So many people go throughout their days thinking that they are alone and have no one to go too, but that’s so wrong and this book shows that there are some situations you don’t have to handle on your

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