Soviet Invasion Of Afghanistan Essay

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Soviet Intervention with Afghanistan and the Impact on Afghan Society
The Soviet Invasion from 1979-1989 led to nearly one million civilians being killed not including any of the soviet or afghan troops. The remaining afghan citizens who survived were left with very little and in a weak and poor government. The Soviet invasion led to the taliban gaining control of the country shortly following the soviets puling final troops out of Afghanistan. The Soviet invasion in Afghanistan and the forced transformation into a communist state led to the killing of civilians, military and social reforms, and a weak Afghan Government, which all led to the decimation of the Afghan Society.
The Soviet Invasion Led to many civilians being Killed. The Soviets had close ties to the Peoples Democratic Party in Afghanistan led to resistance by the Mujahideen who were Afghan Freedom Fighters that were supported by the US, This resistance got the soviets
Hundreds and thousands of citizens died during the soviet invasion due to the wars the soviets caused and the damage they left behind. There were also many groups that did not agree with the soviet ideas and reforms causing groups like the taliban to join in on the wars, which caused even more destruction and destroyed many towns and villages. The weak Afghan government allowed for an increase in terrorists and terrorists residing in Afghanistan. Had the soviets not invaded Afghanistan, the rise in terrorism may not have occurred as the Afghan government may not have been as weak, which allowed the terrorists to reside there. Without the terrorism the society could be much better. Also the corrupt soviet ideas would not have hurt the society and led to many deaths among the Afghan soldiers and

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