Southold Sports Case Study

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It’s finally here. Citizens of Southold, it is time to put the sleds, snow-shovels, and ugly sweaters away for next winter, for Spring has finally sprung. Unfortunately, this is not entirely the case, as we have learned from an early-March 2-hour delay. However, it seems that some of our high school athletes have chosen to ignore those straggler snowstorms, for like a shadowless Punxsutawney Phil, Southold High School’s finest spring athletes have emerged from their hibernation dens to bring you, the average Southold sports fan, another exciting spring athletic season, with the Sentinel bringing you full coverage. First off, let us once again head over to Greenport High School, where a few Settlers find themselves on the combined Porters Track and Field Team. Although only in their third year of being combined …show more content…

However, with Coach Fleurie stepping in to carry on the legacy of Coach Reed, the girls are taking this season one game at a time. According to senior Paige Messana, team chemistry and morale is at a high for both players and coaches, “Coach Fleurie is great,” states the second basewoman, “She’s a lot of fun and really understands the girls and how it’s a little bit of a transition, but she is super friendly and willing to help the team reach our fullest potential.” To help Coach Fleurie, Paige, along with Catcher Rosemary Volinski and Centerfielder Toni Esposito, the Clippers look to make sure that above all, having fun is what matters. However, this does not mean that these girls are not looking to win, considering the fact they have plenty of potential to do just that. Along with the Senior veterans, the Clippers look to be a presence on the mound with ace pitcher Ashley Hilary, while newcomers Grace Syron and Hannah Sutton look to even out the lineup in order to produce one powerhouse of a

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