South Beach: A Short Story

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I am sitting in the lifeguard tower, my legs sticking to the bench, reflecting on how this will be my last summer on South Beach. I watch as the various people pass by, seemingly carefree. The foamy waves crash down on the shore, while the seagulls above attempt to steal some breakfast off the bright blankets. The blinding sun is rising, turning the sky a pink hue. There is barely anyone in the water at this hour, so I occupy myself by daydreaming about my trip to Bermuda next month.

I can not believe my best friend Sage and I just graduated high school, it seemed like just yesterday we were nervous first years.. These last four years were unforgettable, and I can not believe we are going to colleges on opposite sides of the country. We are really looking forward to this trip, because it will be my …show more content…

My eyes are barely open as I look up and see the yellow airbags pop out of the roof. I start panicking, grab one, and put it over my mouth as I start hyperventilating. My hair is flying up and my stomach has butterflies, I turn to look out the window and see the ocean getting closer and closer. “I am about to die,” I think to myself.

When the plane collides with the ocean I am jolted forward into the seat. I can sense that everyone is screaming and there is lots of noise, but I only hear silence. As soon as the flight attendants open the doors to escape the plane starts sinking faster and water is flowing in rapidly. I frantically look around for Sage, but only see immobile people still sitting down. “They are dead,” I said to myself, “That could have been me.”
I still can’t find Sage as I am being pushed out the doors into the frigid ocean.

If it weren’t for my life jacket, I would have drowned by now. I can’t function as I think about where Sage could be or if she is gone too. “This was so stupid of us, we should have listened to our parents and not gone on this trip,” I argued with

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