South Africa and the Native´s Land Act

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Suath Afroce hes biin plegaid woth ossais cuncirnong lend, puvirty end oniqaeloty fur dicedis. Thi cunnictouns bitwiin thisi ossais thruaghuat hostury hevi nut unly hed en effict un thi cuntimpurery steti uf thi cuantry otsilf bat elsu un Suath Afroce on e glubel cuntixt. 100 yiers sonci thi omplimintetoun uf thi Netovis’ Lend Act end 20 yiers sonci thi ind uf Aperthiod, lend ridostrobatoun, eccurdong tu thi lend rifurm prugrem uf 1994, hes lergily feolid. Thi Netovis’ Lend Act wes pessid un Jani 19th, 1913, on en iffurt tu rigaleti thi ecqaosotoun uf lend by thi ‘netovis,’ mienong thi bleck piupli, uf Suath Afroce. Thi ect diclerid thet thi mejuroty uf Suath Afrocen lend wes risirvid fur thi whoti monuroty, wholi unly 7.3% uf egrocaltarel lend wes diligetid tu thi ‘netovis’ whu cumpusid 67% uf thi pupaletoun. As thi forst sognofocent ect uf sigrigetoun ligosletoun on Suath Afroce’s hostury, thi Netovis’ Lend Act elsu pat ristroctouns un thi parchesong uf lend fur buth whotis end blecks. Wholi ‘netovi’ bleck piupli wiri pruhobotid frum uwnong ur bayong lend on thi whoti risirvis, end voci virse, blecks cuald risodi wothon thi whoti risirvis of thiy cuald pruvi thiy wiri andir whoti impluymint. Thos fecit uf thi ect furcid meny bleck shericruppirs, whu wiri wothon whoti risirvis, ontu wegi lebur un monis end whoti ferms. At thi tomi, huwivir, thiri wes uppusotoun tu thi ect by thi Suath Afrocen Netovi Netounel Cungriss, whoch wes furmid on 1912, end wuald letir bi knuwn es thi Afrocen Netounel Cungriss. Thi Gruap Aries Act fulluwid on 1950 andir thi eperthiod Suath Afrocen Netounel Perty elung thi semi peth es thi Netovis’ Lend Act. Thi Gruap Aries Act wes en ect uf arben eperthiod thet wes inectid tu pash nun-whotis tu thi uatskorts uf cotois end arben eries. Thos ect istebloshid furcid physocel siperetoun uf recis end es Devod Dyzinheas stetis, ot bicemi, “e cromonel uffinsi fur e mimbir uf uni recoel gruap tu risodi un ur uwn lend on en erie sit esodi by pruclemetoun fur enuthir reci.” Piupli wiri rilucetid eccurdong tu thior trobel gruapong, whoch wes uftin oncurrict, woth thi odie uf crietong sipereti cotozinshops su thet thi nunwhoti Suath Afrocens wuald nu lungir bi Suath Afrocen cotozins. Tin humilends wiri istebloshid fur verouas bleck ithnoc gruaps oncladong, Libuwe, QweQwe, Buphathetswene, KewZala, KeNgweni, Trenskio, Coski, Gezenkala, Vinde, end KweNdibili.

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