Sonnet Essay

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The sonnet is a form of writing often taken advantage of by many writers and literature lovers. Most may not know the history and origins of the sonnet or the Petrarchan sonnet. There are many different forms of writing and the sonnet form is a fourteen lined poem broken into two different parts. The first part is called the Octave and the second is the sestet. The normal form of the sonnet is eight lines for the octave and six lines for the sestet. Normally a b b a a b b a, is the rhyme scheme for the sonnets. When compared the octave is way more difficult than the sestet.. Normally people used the rhyme scheme c d e c d e or c d c d c d for the sestet. But some other options for the sestet include c d d c d d, c d d e c e, or c d d c c d. This form was used in the earliest English sonnets by different writers like Wyatt and others. The sestet would not end with a couplet in a strict petrarchan sonnet. But in Italian sonnets and English, this rule is not always used , they also use c d d c e e and c d c d e e. The octave and sestet have different jobs in a Petrarchan sonnet. The octave introduces a problem, states a desire, puts a reflect on reality, or will show a situation that causes doubt or a conflict within the speaker and inside an animal and object in the sonnet . It usually does this by talking about the problem within the first quatrain and goes on to explain it in the second. The beginning of the sestet is known as the volta, and it introduces a change in tone in the sonnet; the change in rhyme scheme marks the turn. The sestet's purpose is to make a comment on the problem or to give a solution to it. The pair normally give a problem solution as a whole in the sonnet. Petrarch's sonnets almost never had a rhyming cou... ... middle of paper ... gham kii (f) Mitaa kar jism, merii rooh ko apnaa liyaa kisne (e) Jawanii ban gaii aamaajagaah sadmaat e paiham kii (f) Hijaabaat e nazar kaa sisilaa tod aur aa bhii jaa (g) Mujhe ik baar apnaa jalwaa e rangiin dikhaa bhii jaa. (g)” Finding these sonnets in numerous other languages and all around the world shows how cultures could be spread and was influenced on others. This is interesting to know that no matter the cultural differences the poets and artist were still able to share what they knew and loved. To learn that these sonnets have turned into what we now use as the modern sonnet is unbelievable.Our modern sonnets can be taken in any direction. Sometimes the original rhyme scheme is used and we use the fourteen lines and the regular meter. But other times we just put one word in each line or we use free verse and do not stick with a rhyme scheme at all.

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