Song Analysis Of The Song Smile By Eyedea And Abilities

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One might not have the best life, but one must learn to keep moving on. The song “Smile” by Eyedea and Abilities might make one think of a happy joyful song; in reality this song makes us take a step back and see how vulnerable humans are to this harsh world, trying to stay alive. As humans, one may get stuck in life, and one must eventually realize the world does not stop moving, the clock does not stop ticking, and life carries on. “Smile” comes from an album about addiction and loss, these topics are shown throughout the duration of this song. Ironically, Michael Larson, or Eyedea, died from an overdose of some sorts which has not been discovered. This song makes you think, the more you look into it, the more you are intrigued. One knows …show more content…

If one does not look into the song it may not mean much to someone, however, when one looks into the song they are drawn in. Each lyric has meaning to it, and the emotion the song gives off is incredible. One way that this song appeals to our emotion, is the way “Smile” presents stories that one can relate to. From a “prince in practice”, to “the sadly married” one can relate to this and take them back in time to when they were struggling, to this one feels their sadness and wants to help them as they understand what is like to be in the same position. In this song it is pointed out that everyone is caught up in things and that they do not notice what is around them. A quote in this song that really shows this situation is stated by Eyedea and says that, “This city runs fast, no one has time to sit with themselves,no time to look into our pain or see the same despair in everyone else.” This quote is very powerful. It is true, within our society one is always busy and always has something to do. Again the newspaper refers back to this. Something is always happening in the world, but how much is one actually aware of what is going on around them? In the video on several occasions people are on fire along and everything is in black and white. People want to feel alive in a world of black and white but they are drowning in sadness and sometimes one does not even realize their own …show more content…

With this logic we allow ourselves to believe what is said and shown in this song is true and reliable. An example of this would be that Eyedea and Abilities are able to make one believe that the stories told are true and facts that have happened in history. If you look back to the newspapers you can see this as logic. Newspapers are made up of facts about events happening, and this song like the newspaper is made up of facts. In this video slow motion is used showing one everything that is happening, from people sitting in despair to people being put on fire. Here one sees that no one is paying attention to each other and each is oblivious to the world one sees it with their own eyes throughout the whole video. In each verse Eyedea builds one’s trust to where one wants to believe him with their full heart. He starts off with stories that we have known or experienced like the sadly married setting up alibis with no harm and no regret; something everyone has seen sometime within their life. Then, he flips it towards himself in order for the audience to reflect and realize how they can get through life or where to go now. He goes to state in the lyrics that, “And I refuse to let past bruises cover the light it ain’t good, but its all good enough, so I know I’m alright. . .” This is a strong message to the listener, he knows what struggle is like, and that one can make it through their tough times. It’s

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